REVIEW: Definitely Maybe

I have watched the film Definitely Maybe hundreds of times and there's no maybe about it. It's certainly a classic.

A quick overview; Ryan Reynolds, a single dad, tells his young daughter how he met her (recently divorced) mother. Tales of love, heartbreak, missed opportunities and in general, even if a little romanticised, a truthful representation of the ups and downs of life.

Never have I related to a character more than watching a duvet covered Ryan Reynolds throwing food at a television. It’s nice to know I’m not alone. The film follows the ambitious man become a friend, boyfriend, husband and father, and all the screw ups in between. Comedy interspersed with sincerity forms the perfect film; Ryan Reynolds helps too.

I’ve seen it so many times, I could quote it from nearly beginning to end. Though I’m sure we all have a film that we run to when we need it. However, I'm feeling I will watch it. Like a security blanket, it reassures me that it’s all ok. It’s more than just a film.

The title is also important. Definitely Maybe. In itself, it's not quite sure. How many times have you been completely sure of something? Utterly convinced? Those moments are rare and fleeting as life is often filled with doubt and fear. I stumble around not really sure of much but hoping I will work it out. Trying not to sound overly cynical; life is scarily uncertain. Ryan Reynolds replicates this in Definitely Maybe. Originally obsessed with the 'Plan' his life takes a very different, but interesting path.

I am certain that I love Definitely Maybe. I can be sure of that one thing. In its very title, it implies life’s unpredictability in a positive way. Ryan Reynolds uncertainty leads to much more than he could have ever been planned in his youth. Plans eradicated, plot lines twisted and contorted. The film accurately depicts the fact that in life things change; not always for the better, but not always for the worst,

So my advice, if you care to take it, is watch your favourite film. Put trust in the certainties in life. And the uncertainties. Control what you can and let go of what you can’t. Most of all watch Definitely Maybe.

It’s really good.


P.S follow me on twitter, I'd love to get to know any of my readers! @sosophielee Also, what's your favourite film? Leave a comment!


  1. Never seen this film, but you definitely sold it to me! My favourite film - which I think you might like - is The To Do List. It's funny, but also very true to life. I love the way you write by the way!

    SinĂ©ad xo ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥

    1. You must watch it! I will add that film to my watch list. Thank you so much! x

  2. I've never seen this film before but from the sound of it I need to!
    Sounds like a perfect watch for a lazy duvet day :)

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

    1. It is the perfect film for a lazy day! x


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