Hit A Low

I have hit a low.

I dropped a tissue covered in my tears into my tea. Yes, this is certainly a low.

Before I begin I want to recognise something. I am a privileged, white, middle-class, averagely clever and fairly attractive girl so I have little to complain about. But I failed my driving test and that sucks. I would explain why I failed the test but frankly, that would be boring. I want to talk about how it made me feel, which I hope is less dull. 

Stupid, it made me feel stupid. Not to brag, but I can do some difficult things. I did ballet, I study economics, I once watched 5 movies in one day, but a driving test was harder. So I tried to think about it like this; the universe is massive and a driving test is tiny. That doesn't mean my problems are insignificant and it doesn't mean they don't matter. It just relieves a bit of the pressure. Think about black holes and supernovas and try not to panic about the fact your hair is doing that frizzy thing that you just hate. Contemplate the big bang, how the earth formed and then reconsider just how bad it is that MacDonald's don't do all day breakfasts. Honestly, it'll be fine, not necessarily now, not easily, but it will be fine.

So, getting over it was the next step. You pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get on with it. Or in my case, I went to the cinema so I wouldn't have to think about anything for 121 minutes. Despite not being able to use my student discount to pay for my ticket, when I came out of the cinema I felt better. It might be a cliché but time heals, and it turns out getting over a driving test takes 121 minutes.

It was a hard day. But, I realised that I wanted to write about it. I wondered what sarcastic twist I could throw in at the end, or what alliteration would make the title work. I thought about whether to tell the real truth (the tissue in the tea) or a more glamorous version (nope). The only thing that made it better was knowing that it gave me more material.

In a way, I'm thankful for it. Well, almost.


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